17 - 22 June 2001
Antalya, TURKEY
The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer is pleased to announce RADIATION-2001, an international symposium on developments in Radiative Transfer, to take place in Antalya, Turkey in 17-22 June, 2001.
The Third International Symposium on Radiative Transfer will be held in Antalya, a resort town on the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. This Symposium is built on the success of two previous meetings held in Kuşadası, Turkey in 1995 and 1997. As before, the main objective of the Symposium is to bring together the scientists and engineers involved in radiative transfer research and to provide a relaxed atmosphere for in-depth discussion of theory, experiments, and applications of radiation transfer.
A wide range of topics related to classical and emerging areas of radiation transfer applications will be covered, including:
This meeting is dedicated to Professors Raymond Viskanta, M. Necati Öziºik, and Michel Lallemand who have made significant contributions to the field of Radiation Transfer.
Antalya is a resort town on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Many major airlines have direct flights to Antalya during the summer months. Antalya, which is an extension of an ancient Roman city, is one of the most popular summer vacation centers, and well known in Europe. It offers outstanding atmosphere for both relaxation and excitement. Several archeological centers are close by, including Perge, Aspendos, Thermessos, and Phaselis.
There will be stand-up presentations of contributed papers as well as poster presentations during the Symposium (estimated total of 80). In addition, several keynote lectures will be delivered by prominent researchers on radiative transfer.
All Keynote lectures and contributed papers will be published by Begell House, Inc., in a Procedings volume and will be available in the form of CD-ROM( or, optionally, as bound paper copy) to the partisipants at the registration.
A set of keynotes and contributed papers will be selected for post-conference publication in a special issue of the journal, JQSRT.
During the Symposium, few poster sessions will be organized to allow the researchers to discuss their most recent work in a relaxed atmosphere. The abstracts of these will be included in a Book of Poster-Session Abstracts. Full papers are not required as they will not be included in the Proceedings.
All authors are expected to send the manuscripts of their papers (or abstracts for the poster presentations)in camera-ready form and in pdf format (or as MS-Word document) either in a diskette or as attachment to an email message. The guidelines for preparing camera-ready manuscripts can be found on the Web pages of ICHMT, http://ichmt.me.metu.edu.tr.
Full Papers : | |
Jan 20, 2001 | Four copies of manuscripts due (to M.P. Mengüç) |
March 1, 2001 | Notification of acceptance |
May 1, 2001 | Final, camera-ready papers(manuscripts) in pdf format(or MS-Word document)(to M.P. Mengüç) |
May 1, 2001 | Registration Fee and hotel room charges (to ICHMT Sectretariat) |
Posters : | |
March 31, 2001 | Four copies of extended abstracts due (to M.P. Mengüç) |
April 15, 2001 | Notification of acceptance |
May 1, 2001 | Final, camera-ready extended abstracts in pdf format (or MS-Word documents)(to ICHMT Secretariat) |
May 1, 2001 | Registration Fee and hotel room charges (to ICHMT Sectretariat) |
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