International Symposium on Multiphase Flow and Transport Phenomena
05-10 November 2000
Corinthia Club Hotel
Tekirova, Antalya, Turkey


Sunday, 05 November 2000

14:00 - 17:00 REGISTRATION

                      Reception Area, Corinthia Club Hotel

Monday, 06 November 2000

08:30 - 09:00 FORMAL OPENING

                      Greetings by Faruk Arinc and David Moalem Maron

09:00 - 09:45 KEYNOTE LECTURE: G.F. Hewitt (Imperial College of Science,UK)
                      "Flow patterns: Friend or Foe?"

09:45 - 10:15 COFFEE BREAK

10:15 - 11:45 SESSION 1: Flow Characteristics, Modeling and Experiments I

                      Chairmen:R.T. Lahey,Jr., J.T. Cieslinski

                      1. Z. Bilicki (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
                          "Modeling the evolution of negative pressure measured during flashing of water"

                      2. T. Sakaguchi1, H. Minagawa2, J. Yang3, H. Hamaguchi1 (1Kobe Univ.; 2The Univ. of
                          Shiga Prefecture, Japan; 3Qing Hua Univ. China)
                          "Rising velocity of large bubble and large particle of gas-liquid-solid three-phase slug
                          flow with large particles in a vertical pipe"

                      3. D. Mikielewicz (Technical Univ. of Gdañsk, Poland)
                          "Modeling of turbulent bubble flow in the boundary layer"

                      4. S. Laín, D. Bröder, M. Sommerfeld (Martin-Luther Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
                          "Numerical modeling of the hydrodynamics in a bubble column using the                        Euler-Lagrange

11:45 - 13:45 LUNCH BREAK

13:45 - 14:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE: E. Pratsinis (Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech, Switzerland)
                      "Nanoparticles synthesis, technology and applications"

14:30 - 16:00 SESSION 2: Flow Characteristics, Modeling and Experiments II

                      Chairmen: G.F. Hewitt,B.E. Gelfand

                      1. A. Yu Varaksin, L.I. Zaichik (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
                          "Effect of particles on the turbulence intensity of a carrier phase for gas-solid pipe                       flow"

                      2. R. Mosdorf1, J.T. Cieslinski2 (1Bialystok Technical Univ.; 2Technical Univ. of Gdansk,                       Poland)
                          "Fractal analysis of pressure changes during gas bubble emission"

                      3. T. Ochiai, M. Kawahara (Chuo Univ., Japan)
                          "Shape optimization problem for incompressible viscous flow based on optimal control

                      4. G. Espinosa, A. Soria, E. Salinas-Rodríguez (Univ. Autónoma                       Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico)
                          "An eccentric cell approach to the closure for the two fluid model"

16:00 - 16:30 COFFEE BREAK

16:30 - 18:00 SESSION 3: Liquid-liquid Systems and Applications

                      Chairmen: Z. Bilicki,E. Pratsinis

                      1. A.N. Chekalin1, V.M. Konyukhov1, A.V. Kosterin1, Yu. A. Volkov2 (1Kazan State
                          Univ.; 2The Center for Improvement in Methods of Oil Fields Development, Russia)
                          "Water-oil displacement in fractured and porous reservoir under non-stationary action"

                      2. J.A. Hayashi1, A. Soria2 (1Institute Mexicano del Petróleo ;2Universidad Autónoma
                          Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico)
                          "Repeatability of spontaneous imbibition processes in Hele-Shaw cells"

                      3. Xue-Jun Chen, Guang-Jun Li (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., China)
                          "The study of oil-water liquid-liquid two-phase flow in pipelines"

                      4. A. Ullmann, M. Zamir, Z. Ludmer, N. Brauner (Tel-Aviv Univ., Israel)
                          "Characteristics of liquid-liquid countercurrent flow in inclined tubes: application to the                       PTE process"


                      Beach Bar, Corinthia Club Hotel

Tuesday, 07 November 2000

08:30 - 09:15 KEYNOTE LECTURE: R.T. Lahey, Jr (Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., USA)
                      "CFD analysis of dispersed two-phase flows"

09:15 - 10:45 SESSION 4: Stability and Transition: Modeling and Experiments

                      Chairmen: J.I. Ramos,M.R. Davidson

                      1. L.Y. Yeo, O.K. Matar, E.S. Perez de Ortiz, G.F. Hewitt (Imperial College of Science,                       UK)
                          "Predicting phase inversion behavior using Monte Carlo technique"

                      2. V. Pode ("Politehnica" Univ. Timisoara, Romania)
                          "Methods for the determination of the thermal stability of magnetic fluids"

                      3. O.M. Hernandez Rodriguez, A.C. Bannwart (State Univ. of Campinas, Brazil)
                          "The geometry of interfacial waves in vertical core-annular flow"

10:45 - 11:15 COFFEE BREAK

11:15 - 12:45 SESSION 5: Transport Phenomena in Gas-liquid Systems

                      Chairmen: H.R. Jacobs,A. Soria

                      1. J.I. Ramos (Univ. de Málaga, Spain)
                          "Interaction between gases and liquids in hollow, compound jets at low Reynolds                       numbers"

                      2. L. Broniarz-Press, M. Ochowiak, A. Kalek-Skraburska (Poznan Univ. of Tech.,                       Poland)
                          "Swirl motion effect on the aeration efficiency in spray absorbers"

12:45 - 14:45 LUNCH BREAK

14:45 - 15:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE: H.R. Jacobs (Washington, USA)
                      "Computation of flow and interfacial transport in liquid-liquid systems"

15:30 - 17:00 SESSION 6: Transport in Liquid-liquid Systems

                      Chairmen:A. Ullmann,S. Wronski

                      1. A.N. Chekalin, V.M. Konyukhov, A.V. Kosterin (Kazan State Univ., Russia)
                          "Simulation of two-phase multi-component filtration in layered reservoir"

                      2. H. Auracher1, P. Lang2 (1Institut für Energietechnik, 2Robert Bosch GmbH,                       Germany)
                          "Phase distribution and heat transfer in n-heptane-water mixtures flowing in vertical,
                          horizontal and curved tubes"

                      3. A.M. Urtiaga, D. Gorri, I. Ortiz (Univ. de Cantabria, Spain)
                          "Transport phenomena in the pervaporation of dichloromethane from aqueous                       solutions"

                      4. M.R. Davidson1, M.J. Rudman2 (1Univ. of Melbourne; 2CSIRO Build. Constr.& Eng.,                       Australia)
                          "A numerical method for mass-transfer in two-fluid flow with interfaces"

17:00 - 17:30 COFFEE BREAK

17:30 - 19:00 SESSION 7: Interfacial Phenomena, Breakup and Coalescence

                      Chairmen:C. Gutfinger,V. Dalea

                      1. B. Vieilee1, C. Chauveau1, I. Goekalp1. B.E. Gelfand2(1Laboratorie de combustion et
                          systems reactifs CNRS, France; 2Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
                          "Shock-less breakup of liquid droplets: criteria and temporal characteristics"

                      2. M. Bacci da Silva, A.A. Santana, A. da Silveira Neto (Federal Univ. of Uberlândia,                        Brazil)
                          "Drop quantification over a spray nozzle-plate system"

                      3. Davi D'E. Miranda, M.S. Luz, G.F.M. França, A.P. Silva Freire (PEM/COPPE/UFRJ,                       Brazil)
                          "Bubble plumes and the Coanda effect"

Wednesday, 08 November 2000

08:30 - 09:15 KEYNOTE LECTURE: C. Gutfinger (Technion, Israel)
                      "Gas absorption by liquid drops – Application to pollution control technology"

09:15 - 10:45 SESSION 8: Pollution Control Technology

                      Chairmen: L.I. Zaichik, A. da Silveiro Neto

                      1. H. Gao, L. Guo, X. Chen (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., China)
                          "Numerical simulation of gas-solid two phase flow in baghouse dust collectors with a                       low entry"

                      3. S. Arnosti Jr.1, S. Wanderley da N'brega2, J.R. Coury2 (1Univ. da Associaçao de                       Ensino
                          2de Ribeirão Preto; Univ. Federal de São Carlos, Brazil)
                          "Experimental study of a plate-type electrostatic precipitator"

10:15 - 10:45 COFFEE BREAK

11:15 - 12:45 SESSION 9: Solid - Liquid Systems and Applications

                      Chairmen: H.K. Kvandal,A.P. Silva Freire

                      1. A. Alajbegovic1, D.A. Drew2, R.T. Lahey, Jr.2 (1AVL Powertrain Eng. Inc., 2                       Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., USA)
                          "Modeling turbulence non-isotropy in dispersed particle/liquid flows"

                      2. B. Yakubov1, J. Tanny1, D. Moalem Maron1, N. Brauner2 (1Holon Academic Inst. of
                          Technology; 2Tel-Aviv Univ., Israel)
                          "Investigation of a fluidized bed in inclined pipes"

                      3. I.G. Shekriladze, G.I. Zhorzholiani (Georgian Technical Univ., Georgia)
                          "Segre-Silberberg effect and generation of turbulence in shear flow"

                      4. L. Broniarz-Press, P. Wesolowski (Poznan Univ. of Techology, Poland)
                          "Non-conventional solid-liquid suspension generation in a mixer"

12:00 - 13:00 POSTER SESSION

13:30 -          FREE AFTERNOON

Thursday, 09 November 2000

08:30 - 09:15 KEYNOTE LECTURE: M. Narkis (Technion, Israel)
                      "Multiphase polymer systems: unique structuring effects under melt flow processing                       conditions and related applications"

09:15 - 10:45 SESSION 10: Measurement and Instrumentation

                      Chairmen: H. Auracher, P. Angeli

                      1. N. Altinsoy, A.B. Tugrul (Istanbul Technical Univ., Turkey)
                          "Determination of turbulence parameters by using methylene blue tracer in vertical                       pipe
                          water flow"

                      2. H.K. Kvandal1, G. Elseth2, M.C. Melaaen (1Norsk Hydro Research Center; 2                       Telemark College, Norway)
                          "Measurement of velocity and phase fraction in dispersed two-phase flow"

                      3. G. Elseth1, H.K. Kvandal2, M.C. Melaaen (1Telemark College; 2Norsk Hydro                       Research Center, Norway)
                          "Measurement of velocity and phase fraction in stratified oil/water flow"

                      4. H. Dziallas, V. Michele, D.C. Hempel (Technical Univ. of Braunschweig, Germany)
                          "Measurement and modeling of local phase holdup and flow structure in three-phase                        bubble columns"

10:45 - 11:15 COFFEE BREAK

11:15 - 12:45 SESSION 11: Gas-solid Systems and Applications

                      Chairmen: M. Narkis,S. Arnosti, Jr.

                      1. V.A. Alipchenkov1, A.R. Avetissian2, F. Déjean3, J-M Dorey3, V. Maupu3,
                      L.I. Zaichik1 (1Russian Academy of Sciences; 2All Russian Nuclear Power Engineering                       Research and Development Inst., Russia; 3Electricité de France, France)
                          "A statistical model for predicting the collision rate of particles in isotropic turbulence"

                      2. E. Helland, R. Occelli, L. Tadrist (IUSTI, France)
                          "Influence of the presence of fines on the fluidization of large particles"

                      3. C.H. Ibsen, B.J. Hjertager, T. Solberg (Aalborg Univ. Esbjerg, Denmark)
                          "A study of dilute to dense flow in a circulating fluidized bed"

12:45 - 14:45 LUNCH BREAK

14:45 - 15:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE: M.A. Mendes-Tatsis (Imperial College of Sci., UK)
                      "Enhanced Mass Transfer in Liquid-Liquid Systems"

15:30 - 17:00 SESSION 12: Heat and Mass Transfer Effects

                      Chairmen: B. Porterie, A.C. Bannwart

                      1. J.R.F. Guedes de Carvalho, J.M.P.Q. Delgado (Univ. do Porto, Portugal)
                          "Determination of the coefficient of transverse dispersion in beds of sand for a wide
                          range of temperatures (50 < Sc < 1200)"

                      2. J.I. Ramos (Univ. de Málaga, Spain)
                          "Flapping motions of planar liquid sheets induced by gaseous heat and mass transfer"

                      3. C.M. Chiujdea (Univ. Politehnica Bucharest, Romania)
                          "Drag reduction by polymer additives in a turbulent pipe flow"

17:00 - 17:30 COFFEE BREAK

17:30 - 19:00 SESSION 13: Multiphase Contacting Systems and Equipment

                      Chairmen: Liejin Guo, A.R. Avetissian

                      1. R. Pode1, G. Burtica1, S. Herman2, A. Iovi1(1"Politehnica" Univ. Timisoara; 2S.C.                       AEM-SA, Timisoara, Romania)
                          "New materials based on natural zeolites used in the filtration of underground water"

                      2. T. Hodohara, J. Matsumoto, M. Kawahara (Chuo Univ., Japan)
                          "Analysis of the Taylor Vortex flow"

                      3. V. Dalea1, S. Masu2, C. Bogatu2, F. Manea1 (1Univ. "Politehnica" of Timisoara; 2                       ECOIND, Romania)
                          "Membrane separation processes for wastewater technology"

                      4. A.K. Temu1, O.K. Sønju2, E.W.M. Hansen3 (1Univ. of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;
                          Norwegian; 2Univ. of Science & Technology; 3Sintef Energy Research, Norway)
                          "Criteria for minimum particle deposition onto a cylinder in cross-flow"

19:45            CONFERENCE DINNER
                    Tracadero Resturant, Corinthia Club Hotel

Friday, 10 November 2000

09:15 - 10:45 SESSION 14: Separation Phenomena and Equipment

                      Chairmen: M.A. Mendes-Tatsis, L. Broniarz-Press

                      1. A.N. Chekalin, M.G. Khramchenkov, V.M. Konyukhov, A.V. Kosterin (Kazan State                       Univ., Russia)
                          "Two-phase model of filtration of heavy liquid contaminant in layered aquifer"

                      2. E.M. Martin del Valle, M.A. Galán (Univ. of Salamanca, Spain)
                          "Adsorption kinetic and mass transfer in affinity chromatography"

                      3. G. Burtica1, D. Micu2, R. Pode1, E. Popovici2, I. Vlaicu1 (1The Univ. "Politehnica"
                          Timisoara; 2Al. I. Cuza Univ. Iasi, Romania)
                          "Nickel reclaiming from galvanizing residual waters"

                      4. R. Ibáñez, M.J. Rivero, L. González, I. Ortiz (Univ. de Cantabria, Spain)
                          "Separation of water and TBC from styrene by adsorption onto alumina: equilibrium                        characterization"

                      5. B. Gálan, F. San Román, R. Ibáñez, I. Ortiz (Univ. de Cantabria, Spain)
                          "Back-extraction of Ni-Cd from highly loaded organic phases. Equilibrium modeling"


  1. M.P. Levitsky1, Y.M. Shtemler1, Y. Berkovich2 (1Instit. for Industr. Mathematics; 2Israel Electric Corp., Israel)
    "Fuel disintegration in gas atomizers"

  2. C. Paz, F. Fuentes, S. Garcia (E.T.S.I.I. Univ. Of Vigo, Spain)
    "Numerical simulation of fire forest"

  3. V. Pode, R. Minea ("Politehnica" Univ. Timisoara, Romania)
    "Applications of magnetic fluids in heat transfer"

  4. F. Sánchez Silva, A.G. Mercado, P.Q. Diez, V.Z. Ugalde, M.T. Velázquez (SEPI-ESIME-IPN-COFAA, Mexico)
    "Scaling and modelling arguments for a two-phase slug flow through a 90o horizontal elbow"

  5. T. Bohdal1, Z. Bilicki2 (1Technical Univ. of Koszalin; 2Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
    "On the wave character of development of bubble boiling in channel flow"

  6. A. Negrea1, A. Iovi2, P. Negrea2, C. Iovi3 (1Univ. "Dimitrie Cantemir";
    2Univ. "Politehnica" of Timisoara; 3Inst. for Electrochemistry and Condensed Materials, Romania)
    "Removal of phosphate ion by co-precipitation from wastewaters"

  7. V. Dalea1, L. Vlad1, G.A. Ciorba2, C. Bogatu2, I. Vlaicu3, D. Cocheci2
    (1Univ. "Politehnica" of Timisoara; 2Inst. for Industrial Ecology; 3Water and Sewerage Co., Romania)
    "Water quality in the western part of Romania. Removal of phenol by extraction"

  8. J.L. Consalvi, B. Porterie, J.C. Loraud (IUSTI-CNRS, France)
    "A model for radiative heat transfer in multiphase media"

  9. E. Elperin, A. Fominykh (Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Israel)
    "Effect of solute concentration level on coupled mass and heat transfer during solid sphere dissolution in a uniform fluid flow"

  10. J. Lovick, R. Bristow, P. Angeli (University College London, UK)
    "Pressure drop and hold-up in liquid-liquid flows"

  11. I. Gerges1, M. Shoukri1 I. Hassan2 (1McMaster Univ.; 2Concordia Univ. Canada)
    "Local measurements of interfacial area and void fraction for upward bubbly flow in a large diameter pipe"

  12. V. Press, L. Broniarz-Press, J. Szymanowski (Poznan Univ. of Technology, Poland)
    "Dimensional analysis relative to multicomponent mixing and separation processes"

  13. L. Broniarz-Press, J. Borowski (Poznan Univ. of Technology, Poland)
    "Rheological properties of a liquid effect on suspension agitation"

  14. S. Wronski, E. Dluska, R. Hubacz (Warsaw Univ. of Technology, Poland)
    "Hydrodynamics and mass transfer of a two-phase Couette-Taylor flow reactor"

  15. M. Menacer, A. Aroussi, S. Kucukgokoglan (Univ. of Nottingham, UK)
    "A novel method for a multiphase flow measurement in turbo machinery"

  16. S. Kucukgokoglan, A. Aroussi, S.J. Pickering (Univ. of Nottingham, UK)
    "Prediction of interactions between burners in multi-burner systems"

  17. S. Kucukgokoglan, A. Aroussi (Univ. of Nottingham, UK)
    "Measurement of nitrogen oxide emissions from 2MW oil burner furnace system"

  18. P. Quinto-Diez, F. Sánchez-Silva, J.A. Jiménez-Bernal C. del C. Gutiérrez-Torres, (SEPI-ESIME-IPN, Mexico)
    "The effects of particle's shape on cyclone's collection efficiency. A theoretical approach"

  19. M.P. Levitsky (Institute for Industrial Mathematics, Israel)
    "On characteristics of a control valve operating in two-phase flow regime"

  20. Y.D. Wang, Y.K. Wan, Y.D. Yin, W.Y. Fei (Tsinghua Univ., China)
    "Hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance in a modified rotating disc contactor"

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