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Printing Posters PDF Print E-mail
The University of Bath offers to print your posters for you, to save you having to carry them on your travels. This service is now available.
The cost will be will be £16 (unlaminated) and £20 (laminated) for A0 posters  (your poster must be A0, portrait mode).
1.  Posters are to be emailed to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and receipt will be acknowledged. Both PDF and Word (2003 or 2010) formats will be acceptable.  Posters files should be emailed by June 27.

2.  Payment must be made at  http://go.bath.ac.uk/chtposter
3. Posters will be available for collection at the registration desk.



Nov. 15, 2011 One page abstracts

Dec. 15, 2011 Notification of abstract acceptance

Jan. 30, 2012 Full text of paper 

Apr. 1, 2012 Paper acceptance subject to amendment

May 1, 2012 Final acceptance

May 21, 2012 Early registration deadline and final payment date for publication in Proceedings 


The goal of the symposium is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, methods and results in computational heat transfer.  Papers on all aspects of CHT
– both fundamental and applied – will be welcome.


The symposium will take place in Bath, England.



 University of Bath  UNSW