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Additional Accommodations


Additional cheaper possibilities are available for students and post-doctoral fellows. They could reserve a room at the University Inn (http://ruicc.rutgers.edu/). Campus buses can be used to go from the University Inn to the conference venue. The rate is $75 per night if paid in advance and the rate is the same for two people. However, the number of rooms is limited and an early booking is suggested. Additional rooms are available at slightly higher rates in the University Apartments, which can be booked through the conference organizers.

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Important Dates

One page abstract due: October 10, 2014 October 24, 2014

Abstract acceptance: November 14, 2014

Full text of paper due: January 2, 2015 Full papers/extended abstracts due: January 15, 2015

Paper acceptance subject to amendment: March 2, 2015

Final acceptance: April 3, 2015

Early registration deadline and final payment date for publication in Proceedings: April 15, 2015 April 22, 2015

CHT-15 25-29 May 2015



6th International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer will take place in Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA.




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