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Location, Arrival & Departure PDF Print E-mail

The conference will be held at five-star El Mouradi Hotel , situated in the tourist area of Yasmine Hammamet, 4 km from the city of Hammamet and 55 km from Tunis. This hotel has an excellent location. It includes several services and numerous sport activities.

Reservation at the hotel should be made using the reservation form on the Symposium website. The room charges per day, including taxes, open-buffet breakfast and dinner will be :
* Single : 70 US$
* Double : 100 US$


Information about Visa requirements has been supplied by the Embassy of Tunisia in Paris and can be downloaded here in PDF format. However, delegates are advised to make their own enquiries as well.


The Tourism Agency, VLT, will, on request, meet participants arriving at Tunis-Carthage Aeroport. Participants must use the Travel Schedule in the Registration Form to inform the ICHMT Secretariat well in advance about their flight schedule.

One Tunisian member from the organising committee will be in contact with ICHMT secretary and VLT Agency to organize the trip from the airport to the Hotel. The charge is in US$ per person, one way, and is according to the number of persons in the party (shown in the table below):

1 to 4

5 and more

US$ 28

US$ 15

Advance payment is not required. The distance is about 70 km (one-hour drive). The only other direct service from the Airport to ELMOURADI Hotel is by taxi, available at all hours, at a cost of approximately US$ 90, one way, in daytime (double charge from 9 pm till 6 am). 

A representative of VLT Travel Agency will be present at the hotel during the symposium. VLT is a permanent partner of EL MOURADI Hotels.



Nov. 30, 2008  3 to 4 pages extended abstracts
Dec. 15, 2008    Notification of acceptance
Feb. 13, 2009    Final copies of extended abstracts
Feb. 13, 2009    Full paper submission
Mar. 01, 2009    Abstracts of recent work posters
Mar. 15, 2009    Early registration


The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers, engineers, scientists in a forum to exchange innovative ideas, methods and results, and visions of the future related to the general theme of convective heat and mass transfer.


The conference will be held at 5-star El Mouradi Hotel, situated in the tourist area of Yasmine Hammamet, 4 km from the city of Hammamet and 55 km from Tunis. 




 Faculté des Sciences Mathématiques, Physiques et Naturelles de Tunis
Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis
 Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes d'Ingénieurs d'El Manar
 Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes d'Ingénieur Nabeul
Société Tunisienne de l’Electricité et du Gaz
National Agency for Energy Conservation
Centre de Recherches et des Technologies de l'Energie