Tours & Special Events

A choice of one-day or two-days tours tofor CONV-09 attendees by the VLT travel Agency, subject to there being a sufficient number of participants (15). If you wish to reserve a tour you must complete the reservation form (Download here ) and send it back to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

  • 1 day excursion on Tuesday April 28th and Friday, May 1st, to  Le Bardo meseum – Tunis – Carthage - Sidi Bou Said : 60 Dollars/Pax (lunch and museum entrances included)
  • 1 day excursion on Wednesday April 29th and Friday, May 1st, to Kairouan – ElJem - Sousse : 60 Dollars/Pax (lunch and museum entrances included)
  • 3 Days Excursion, starting on Friday, May 1st, to ElJem – Matmata - Douz (2 night in ElMouradi Hotel Douz and Tozeur) – Tozeur – Oasis – Kairouan : 160 Dollars/pax (lunches and museum entrances included)
  •  Half-day and 2-days excursions will be also arranged.


Carthage has been founded in the 9th century B.C. by Phoenician traders of Tyre. It became a large and rich city and thus a major power of the Mediterranean until its destruction in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. Although the center of the Punic culture was destroyed, it continued into Roman times.
Attractions of the city include Carthaginian ruins (an enormous amphitheatre and a cave are among the attractions at these famous ruins) and Carthage Museum.

Carthage Carthage

Sidi Bou Said
It is a town in northern Tunisia (located only 20 km from Tunis). It is known for the extensive use of blue and white colours all over the town. All kinds of souvenirs can be bought in the main street.



It was founded by the Arabs in around 670. It is known for the souk (market place). Products that are sold include carpets, vases and goods made of leather. The city's other main site is the Great Mosque of Sidi-Uqba, it has 414 columns. Almost all were taken from the ruins of Carthage. Previously, it was forbidden to count them, on pain of blinding.


Founded by Phoenicians in the 9th century BC. The city allied itself with Rome during the Punic Wars, thereby escaping damage or ruin and entered a relatively peaceful 700-year stint under Pax Romana. The Arabs seized the city, they renamed the city Sûsa and within a few decades elevated it to the status of main seaport of the Aghlabid Dynasty. In the 18th century, it  was the target of bombardments by the Venetians and the French. The French renamed the city Sousse. It is home to many resorts and fine sand beaches backed by orchards and olive groves. City attractions include: The archeoligical museum, the mosque, the ribat (a fortress from the 9th century), Museum of Kalaout el-Koubbawhere ( it displays well-made presentations show life during Ottoman times), The Zaouia Zakkak (it lies conveniently next to the popular shopping streets in the medina, and offers the finest example of Ottoman architecture in Sousse).

sousse sousse 

El Jem
It is situated in the interior of central Tunisia south of Sousse. It is famous for its colosseum, which lies in the centre of the town. It is 138 m long and 114 m wide. Its capacity has been estimated to about 30,000 spectators.

jem jem

It is a village of about 5000 inhabitants. It has many of the best examples of troglodyte architecture in the world: vertical caves dug by man into soft sandstone, usually formed as a circle, with doors and rooms dug in from the vertical walls.

matmata matmata

It is a town situated in the central-western part of the country, at the western end of the Chott el Jerid. It is the centre of an oasis of about 10 km2. It has a unique architecture, where yellow bricks are used as decorative elements of both old and modern houses. Parts of the old quarters date back to the 14th century.

tozeur tozeur
