Title of paper

First Author,1 Second Author,1,2 Third Author,1 Fourth Author,1
Fifth Author,1 and Sixth Author1

1 University One, Department of Physics and Astronomy,

Long address, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2 Institute of Astrophysics, 1 Hertz Street, Adelphi, Maryland 20783 USA

tel: +1 (301) 555-5555, fax: +1 (301) 555-5555, e-mail: youremail@here.com


Insert brief abstract here.

1   Introduction

Some brief introduction can be used to discuss previous works which might be relevant to this study [1]. Books are also quite easy to reference [2]. Naturally the front matter will need to be adjusted if there are fewer authors. Inside the Word file the author can make adjustments to the page headings by inserting a short version of the paper title and the first author’s last name.

Notice that in Word there is a separate style for the first paragraph after a heading; it is not indented. All other paragraphs are indented. This style, “Body Text 1st par,” should be used after equations also, or anywhere else that is a continuation of a broken paragraph and no indent is desired.

Tables can be inserted relatively easily, as can figures.

Table 1: Full title of simple table.

column (centered)


Third column (right)


more text


even more text

yet more text


text, text, text

still more text



2   Other sections can also be added

Hopefully, with some interesting results

1.1    Example of a subsection head

With subsections where appropriate.

2   Fascinating results

Section headings can be changed and more added to suit your needs. Section headings can be changed and more added to suit your needs. Section headings can be changed and more added to suit your needs.

Equations can be inserted

                                                                 y = mx + b ,                                                                 (1)

and we can reference them as Eq. (1).

Figure 1: This is a figure.

3   Conclusion

Finally we would like to discuss these results.


A small acknowledgment may also be given after the conclusion and before the references.


[1]     M. I. Mishchenko, D. W. Mackowski, and L. D. Travis, “Scattering of light by bispheres with touching and separated components,” Appl. Opt. 34, 4589–4599 (1995).

[2]     C. F. Bohren and D. R. Huffman, Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles (Wiley, New York, 1983).