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Program Committee Co-Chairs Print E-mail
Dr. Federico Beretta
Istituto di Ricerche
sulla Combustione
Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche
Napoli - ITALY
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Prof. Nevin Selcuk
Department of
Chemical Engineering
Middle East Technical
Ankara - TURKEY
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Prof. Mohy S. Mansour
Department of
Mechanical Power
Cairo University
Cairo - EGYPT
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Prof. Andrea d’Anna
Department of
Chemical, Material and
Industrial Production Engineering
University Federico II
Naples – ITALY
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April 26, 2013
May 15, 2013: Submission of full paper
June 14, 2013:
Notification of acceptance for full papers
June 14, 2013: Submission of abstracts of work-in-progress presentations
July 1, 2013:    Notification of acceptance for work-in-progress presentations
August 2, 2013:   Early-bird registration deadline

Objectives & Scope

The symposium is the eighth in a series on combustion and related topics, held by the scientific communities from countries around the Mediterranean.



The symposium will be held in Ilıca Hotel, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey.

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