The Third International Symposium on Radiative Transfer will be held in Merit-Limra Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, a resort place on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey.

This Symposium is built on the success of two previous meetings held in Kusadasi, Turkey, in 1995 and 1997. The abstracts of the papers presented during these symposia can be found on the Web pages of ICHMT. The proceedings are available and can be ordered by filling in and sending a proceedings-order-form to ICHMT Secretariat.

As before, the main objective of the present Symposium is to bring together the scientists and engineers involved in radiative transfer research and to provide a relaxed atmosphere for in-depth discussion of theory, experiments, and applications of radiation transfer.

Conference Room, ICHMT Symposium on Radiative Transfer
Korumar Hotel, Kusadasi, Turkey
21 - 25 July 1997