There will be stand-up presentations of contributed papers as well as poster presentations during the Symposium (estimated total of 80). In addition, several keynote lectures will be delivered by prominent researchers on radiative transfer.

All Keynote lectures and contributed papers will be published by Begell House , Inc., in a Procedings volume that will be available in the form of a free CD-ROM to the participants at the registration. The participants can also purchase bound paper copies of the proceedings at a cost of US$ 30 per volume.

A set of keynotes and contributed papers will be selected for post-conference publication in a special issue of JQSRT, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.

During the Symposium, few poster sessions will be organized to allow the researchers to discuss their most recent work in a relaxed atmosphere. The abstracts of these will be included in a Book of Poster-Session Abstracts. Full papers are not required as they will not be included in the Proceedings.

All authors of keynotes and contributed papers are expected to send their manuscripts, one original and three copies, for peer-review, to the Chairman, M.P. Mengüç, to arrive before January 20, 2001. The final manuscripts are to be sent, again to the Chairman, in camera-ready form and preferably in pdf format (or as MS-Word document), either in a diskette or as attachment to an email message to arrive before May 1, 2001.

All authors of recent-work poster presentations are expected to send their abstracts, one original and three copies, for peer-review, to the Chairman, M.P. Mengüç, to arrive before March 31, 2001. The final abstracts are to be sent, to ICHMT Secretariat, in camera-ready form and preferably in pdf format (or as MS-Word document), in a diskette, or as attachment to an email message, or by direct uploading, to arrive before May 1, 2001.

Please see the guidelines for preparing camera-ready manuscripts.

Please see the guidelines for preparing camera-ready abstracts for poster session.

Conference Room
Merit-Limra Hotel, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey