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Selection, Presentation and Publication of Papers PDF Print E-mail

The Symposium will have both stand-up presentations of contributed papers and poster presentations. In addition, several keynote lectures will be delivered by prominent researchers on radiative transfer.

All keynote lectures and contributed papers will be published by Begell House, Inc., in a Proceedings volume and will be available in the form of CD-ROM to the participants at the registration. A set of keynotes and contributed papers will be selected for post conference publication in a special issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.

Symposium will include poster sessions to allow the researchers to discuss their most recent work in a relaxed atmosphere. The abstracts of these papers will be included in a Book of Poster-Session Abstracts. Full papers are not required for the Posters.

All authors are expected to send their manuscripts (or abstracts for the poster presentations) in camera-ready format (in pdf or as a MS-Word document) electronically. The guidelines for preparing camera-ready manuscripts can be found here.



Full Papers:

January 30, 2010             Electronic copies of manuscripts to be sent  to B. W. Webb                   

March 20, 2010             Notification of acceptance

May 1, 2010                Final, camera-ready manuscripts (in pdf or MS Word document) to B. W. Webb

May 1, 2010                Registration fee and hotel room charges to ICHMT Secretariat



April 1, 2010                Electronic copies of extended Abstracts to B. W. Webb                      

April 15, 2010              Notification of acceptance

May 1, 2010                Final, camera-ready extended abstracts in pdf or doc format (to ICHMT Secretariat)           

May 1, 2010                Registration fee and hotel room charges (to ICHMT Secretariat)






30 Jan. 2010    Electronic copies of manuscripts (Full Papers) (EXTENDED!!)

20 March 2010   Notification of acceptance (Full Papers)

1 April 2010 
Electronic copies of extended abstracts (Posters)

15 April 2010  
Notification of acceptance (Posters)

1 May 2010   Final, camera-ready manuscripts (Full Papers) & extended abstracts (Posters) This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

1 May 2010  
Registration Fee and hotel room charges


The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers, engineers, scientists in a forum to exchange innovative ideas, methods and results, and visions of the future related to the general theme of radiative heat and mass transfer.


The symposium will take place in 5-star Sealife Family Resort Hotel, Antalya, TURKEY.