Elsevier/JQSRT Poynting Award on Radiative Transfer PDF Print E-mail
The Poynting Award is established in honor of John Henry Poynting, whose fundamental work on the direction and magnitude of electromagnetic energy flow eventually became the foundation of the radiative transport theory. The Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer is considered as one of the leading journals where the teachings of Poynting are extensively applied in virtually all subject areas as listed in the Aims and Scope of the Journal.

The Poynting Award honors the life-time contributions and achievements of a scientist who has made a landmark impact on the radiative transfer research and its applications. This Elsevier Award will be administered by the Editors and Publisher of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Starting in 2012, the Poynting Award will be presented in every two years and will consist of a glass statuette and an official Elsevier certificate. The Award recipient is expected to have published in JQSRT, although this requirement may be waived in exceptional cases.


Jan. 5, 2013             
*Electronic copies of manuscripts to be sent to B. W. Webb 

March 1, 2013            
*Notification of acceptance (Full Papers)

April 1, 2013               
*Electronic copies of extended Abstracts to B. W. Webb (Posters)

April 15, 2013            
*Notification of acceptance (Posters)

May 1, 2013                
*Final, camera-ready manuscripts (in pdf or MS Word document) to B. W. Webb (Full Papers)
*Final, camera-ready extended abstracts in pdf or doc format (to ICHMT Secretariat) (Posters)
*Registration fee and hotel room charges (to ICHMT Secretariat)


The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers, engineers, scientists in a forum to exchange innovative ideas, methods and results, and visions of the future related to the general theme of radiative heat and mass transfer.


The symposium will take place in PineBay Holiday Resort in Kusadasi, TURKEY.

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