Authors’ Instructions for the Fourth International

Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer


I. Antalya1, C. Turkey1, and H. Nagoya2

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey

2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan


Abstract - This document describes the use of the thmt-03 style file for the preparation of papers accepted for oral presentation at the Fourth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, to be held in Antalya, Turkey, on 12-17 October, 2003. The general style is based on the standard LaTeX article style. Those who do not use the LaTeX word processor can use this document as a guideline for the layout of their paper. This document was prepared using the thmt-03 style file. The abstract should not contain more than 150 words.


1. Introduction

If you intend to use LaTeX as the word processor, please download the zip file that has all the necessary style and instructions.

The thmt-03 style file is the general style file that should be used when submitting a paper in LaTeX format (2.09). This style file is based on `plain' LaTeX. It can also be processed by LaTeX2e format, in which the header for LaTeX2e is used in this document. If you do not use the LaTeX typesetting program, you can use these instructions as general guidelines for your own word processor, as far as layout and font size is concerned.

Please note that the layout generated by this style file is based on A4 paper.  The chosen font size is 12pt, because in a later stage the papers will be reduced to fit in a standard B5 book format. Do not stretch the page-width or -length in order to squeeze in more words or lines of text.

In general, you should use standard LaTeX commands as much as possible. Only create your own macros when absolutely necessary and always put them in the preamble. If you submit your document as a LaTeX file, you should make sure that we receive and/or can obtain all included macro files (and figures!) with your submission.  Otherwise, you should submit your document as a PostScript file or PDF file.


2. Getting Started

The thmt-03 style file is addressed by:


for LaTeX





for LaTeX2e.  The file thmt-03.sty should be accessible for your LaTeX installation, so you should put it in a directory where LaTeX can find it.  If you do not have the possibility to generate PostScript fonts, the times style between the rectangular brackets should be omitted. Other styles that may be included, optionally, are the psfig style for the inclusion of PostScript figures in your document, and the subeqn style for numbered sub-equations.


3. Layout

The thmt-03 style automatically defines the paper layout.  For those who do not use LaTeX, the following guidelines should be used. The font type should be Times Roman, 12pt size.  The text width should be 160 mm, with left- and right-hand side margins of 25 mm. The text height is 240 mm, with a bottom margin of 25 mm.  The top margin is 18 mm. The vertical space between the running heads and the body of the text is 9 mm.  The running head itself is 3 mm high.


4. Running Heads

You can make your own running head by using the \runninghead command, where you put the name of the first author of the paper between the curly braces.  If the paper has two authors, you should the names of both authors between the braces.  If the paper has three or more authors, you should put only the name of the first author, followed by et al.. This command should be inserted in the preamble.  The thmt-03 style will automatically create the appropriate running head for your paper.


5. Paper Title

The paper title should be defined in the preamble of the LaTeX document.  (It is typeset in 20pt font size.)  The title will be printed automatically by typing the \maketitle command inside your document.


6. Author Names and Affiliations

To supply the names and addresses of each author, the \author command should be used in the preamble. Within the \author command, you can specify the names of all authors, followed by the respective institutes. After the author names you should use backslashes to create a new line.  Each new institute/affiliation should begin on a new line.  You can use the indexing command in math mode to generate the appropriate reference numbers for each author and institute (see this document).  Please avoid using the \thanks command, which will create a footnote at the bottom of the title page.  Please also refrain from using the \date command.

The author names should be typeset in 14pt font size, whereas the affiliations should be given in 12pt italic font. If you use LaTeX, the thmt-03 style will take care of this.


7. Sections and (Sub)Subsections

A section starts with the command:

\section{The Title of This Section}.

If the subsection title is too long, you can break it at an appropriate place by using \protect\\. (The two backslashes (\\) without the \protect command do not work here).

Text Box: Table 1: Caption text.

Description 1	Description 2	Description 3
Row 1, Col 1	Row 1, Col 2	Row 1, Col 3
Row 2, Col 1	Row 2, Col 2	Row 2, Col 3
For the section titles, you should use Initial Capitals for each word (see this document). (Sub)subsection titles should be typed using an Initial Capital and the rest in lower case (see this document).

For those who do not use LaTeX: the section titles are typeset in 14pt boldface font; the subsection titles are given in 12pt boldface font.  The subsubsections and paragraphs are typeset in 12pt italic font.  The vertical space between section titles and the body of the text is 2 mm.  The vertical space between the body of the text and the next section title is 7 mm.


8. Equations

The equations appearing in your paper should be numbered consecutively using the equation environment. If necessary, you may apply the subequation environment for subnumbering of a set of equations.  Make sure that you include the appropriate style file in your document. In general, equations should be centered on the page. The equation numbers should be flush right.


9. Figures and Tables

9.1. Figures

The figure environment produces space and a figure caption in the text. The numbering of figures is automatic.



\vspace{5cm}  % Amount of vertical space needed

You may use \psfig here for PostScript figures.

\caption{Caption text.}



Please try to put figures as much as possible at the top of the page.


9.2. Tables

Tables can be generated in several environments for which we kindly advise you to refer to the LaTeX manual.  An example of the convenient tabular environment for simple tables follows.





\caption{Caption text.}



Description 1 & Description 2  & Description 3\\ \hline

Row 1, Col 1  & Row 1, Col 2   & Row 1, Col 3 \\

Row 2, Col 1  & Row 2, Col 2   & Row 2, Col 3 \\ \hline





Please use vertical rules between the columns, but try to avoid too many horizontal rules between rows. You should, however, always use the following three horizontal rules: a top rule, a middle rule and a bottom rule. Also, when tabulating numbers with a decimal point, make sure that the numbers are aligned on the decimal point.  This may require some extra care.


9.2.1. Positioning of tables

The position of a table in the text may not always be appropriate. As with figures, LaTeX tries to put it wherever possible on the top of the page. On some occasions you may wish to put it at one particular spot in the text. The option [h] can then be used: \begin{table}[h].  It is acknowledged that positioning of figures and tables is by no means straightforward.


9.2.2. Rotating a table

Rotating a table (landscape) is to be avoided as much as possible. If absolutely necessary, the rotated table should occupy one entire page.  You can rotate a table by putting it in the rotate environment, but then you should include the rotate style in your document.








10. Acknowledgements

Acknowledgements can be given in a separate section after the conclusions but before the list of references.  It is declared as a numberless section: \section*{Acknowledgements}.


11. Appendices

An Appendix can be generated by using the \appendix command, followed by a \section command. This results in a Roman numbered Appendix section.



12. References

When you use BiBTeX for your references, we kindly refer you to Section 12.1. below.

References are inserted in the thebibliography environment.  We use only the numbered style of references.  You should start the thebibliography environment with the command:



\bibitem{ref1} ...



The second pair of curly braces should contain a number that corresponds with the widest number in the reference list below it.

You should label every \bibitem by putting a key between the curly braces, e.g.:

\bibitem{Smith91} (Please note the missing square brackets.) In your paper you can refer to this \bibitem with \cite{Smith91}.

The \cite command will produce the number of the reference in square brackets, e.g. [2]. You must do the formatting of the bibitems yourself.  The layout conventions are taken care of by LaTeX.  At the end of this document you will find a sample of some possible references.  Please note that there is no extra vertical space between consecutive items.


12.1 BiBTeX

You may use BiBTeX, but if you do so, please be sure that you send all the necessary files with the LaTeX source file, i.e. the bbl file.  You should use the unsorted bibliographystyle, to be active by the command \bibliographystyle{unsrt}.  For a further description of BiBTeX, we kindly refer you to the LaTeX manual for its use.


13. Additional LaTeX Files

Producing a camera-ready paper requires times.sty, psgreek.sty and psfonts.sty.  These files are available from many sources from which LaTeX styles can be obtained.  For your convenience, all style files related to this document have been made accessible on our Symposium Webpage.  If you have any problems in transferring these files, please inform the Symposium Secretary.  Also on the www-server you will find psfig.sty for the inclusion of PostScript files.  The thmt-03.sty file and this instruction document (instruction.tex) are available from the same site.


14. Paper Length

The maximum paper length for keynote lectures is 14 pages.  The maximum paper length for oral presentations is 8 pages.


15. Paper Submission

You may submit your final paper by standard mail, as a camera-ready manuscript.  All figures should be included in your document.  Please make sure that you use laser-printer quality with sufficient resolution (600 dpi, preferably).  As an alternative, you may also submit your paper in PostScript format or PDF file by e-mail.  Again, make sure that the resolution is sufficient.  Finally, if you use LaTeX, you may submit your paper by e-mail as an ASCII LaTeX file; in that case you should submit the figures separately.


16. Deadline

Please comply with the deadline for submission of the camera-ready paper.  This deadline is:


May 31, 2003

The Organizing Committee wishes to present the hard-bound Proceedings at the start of the Symposium.  Those papers which will fail to comply with the deadline will not be published in the Proceedings.

The Organizing Committee will arrange for a special issue of one (or more) international journals on fluid flow, turbulence, and heat and mass transfer, for a selection of the best papers submitted to this Symposium.


17. Information

If you encounter problems, please contact the Symposium Secretary:


Prof. F. Arinc

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Middle East Technical University,

06531 Ankara


Tel: +90 312 210 5214

Fax: +90 312 210 1331





1.      Y. Hattori, T. Tsuji, Y. Nagano and N. Tanaka. Effects of Freestream on Turbulent Combined-Convection Boundary Layer along a Vertical Heated Plate. Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 22: 315-322, 2001.

2.      H. Pascal, S. Jakirlic and K. Hanjalic. DNS and RANS-Modelling of In-cylinder Turbulence Subjected to Axial Compression. In Third International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer (Edited by Y. Nagano, K. Hanjalic and T. Tsuji), pp. 479- 486, 2000.

3.      K. Hanjalic and S. Jakirlic. Second-Moment Turbulence Closure Modelling. In Closure Strategies for Turbulent and Transitional Flows (Edited by B.E. Launder and N. Sandham), pp. 47-101, Cambridge University Press, 2002.