These are the same guidelines of the International Journal of Thermal Sciences.


Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced in Times New Roman (12pt) with 3.5 cm wide margins on one side of white paper. Good quality printouts with a font size of 12 pt are required. They should include, in order: 'title page'; 'abstract page'; 'nomenclature'; text'; 'references'; and 'appendices' if necessary. All the pages must be numbered.

The 'chapter headings' should be numbered according to the international numbering system 1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1.; etc.).

'Tables' with titles and 'figures' with captions should be placed on 'separate sheets' at the end of the manuscript. They should not appear in the text.

'Punctuation' peculiar to English language should be used (semi-colons, colons, question marks and exclamation marks are never preceded by a space in English). Abbreviations are punctuated. There is no space between opening and closing brackets and the following and preceding words, whatever the language. Small capitals should not be used, and normal capitals are accented.

Title page

The title page should contain: the 'title of the paper' (that must be brief but explicit), the 'forename' (in full) and 'surname' of each author, the 'authors affiliations' (complete address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail) with their 'positions', and the name of the corresponding author. It should also contain a 'running head' (maximum 80 characters, including spaces).

Abstract page

For the English papers, it should contain the 'title' of the article and an 'abstract' of about fifteen lines (150-200 words). Five to ten 'keywords' should be provided (in lower case and bold type, separated by slashes).


All the 'parameters' cited in the text should be listed, in 'alphabetic order', in a separate nomenclature section at the beginning of the paper, with their definitions and units. 'Greek symbols', 'subscripts' and 'superscripts' should be separately identified. Only 'ISO symbols' may be used, always written in italics. 'SI units' should be used throughout; they are always separated from the numerical value by a space (whatever the language) and written in roman. The in g or m is always in roman. The symbol for litre is L, minute is min. We use C, but K for temperatures. As the angtrom (1 Ĺ = 10-10m) does not belong to the SI system, it should be replaced by the nanometer (1 nm = 10-9m) or by the picometer (1 pm = l0-12m): 1 Ĺ = 0.1 nm = 100 pm. Multiple units must be written with negative superscripts (for example: W.m-1.K-1).

Please consult the Nomenclature Guide for details on the symbols and units to be used.

Equations and numbers

The equations should be carefully typed. The ones that are referred to in the text [equation (1), for instance] should be numbered with Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses on the right margin. There should not be punctuation at the end of the equations. Care should be taken to distinguish between zero (0) and the letter O, or between the number one (1) and the letter l (l), the Roman letter v and the Greek letter nu (n). 'Vectors' and 'matrices' should be written in bold. The decimal logarithm should be written, log; and the natural logarithm, In. The abbreviation of exp (exponential) is the Roman 'e'. In expressions such as dx/dt, the letter d (derivative function) is always written in roman, whereas the physical parameter (x or t) is always written in Italics. Numbers are written as numerals when they are followed by units, these being represented by their SI symbols (i.e. 10 %, but a few percent). In numerals, each group of three numbers should be separated by a space (except for dates and postal codes). In English, a decimal point is used instead of a comma.


All illustrations (diagrams and photographs) should be numbered in the text, in italics, using Arabic numerals in order of appearance. Example: (figure 1). No illustration will be redrawn; consequently, they must be good enough to allow direct reproduction (they should by no means contain any manual corrections). Original drawings on white paper are required. The same symbols and units must be used in figures, tables and text. Illustrations will be published in the form of one column 80 mm wide (exceptionally 170 mm wide for complicated figures). So, 'lettering' of the original illustrations (one figure per A4 page) should be large enough to be clearly legible when the illustrations are reduced to one-column format. Only sharp black and white glossy prints are accepted. Authors are responsible for the reproduction cost of colour figures.

'Figure captions' should be presented together on a separate sheet, at the end of the paper; they must be as explicit as possible.


Each table should be typed on a separate page at the end of the paper. Captions must be integrated into the heading of the table, which will comprise horizontal lines. Tables must not be redundant with figures. They should be numbered consecutively with roman numerals (table IV for instance), as they are cited in the text.


References should be numbered with Arabic numerals enclosed in brackets as they are cited in the text. All entries in the reference list must correspond to references in the text and vice versa, from [1] to [n]. The spelling of authors' names and dates must be exactly the same in the text as in the reference list.

The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the standardised rules (cf 'ISI', 'Current Contents', 'Physical Abstracts', for instance). Titles for which no abbreviation is given should be written out in full.

The style and punctuation of the references should follow the format illustrated in the following examples (please note that the titles of journals are in roman).

- Article from a journal (all authors must be mentioned):

[1] Delaunay D., Garnier B., Jarny Y., Le Brizaut J.-S., Implementation of an inverse method for identification of reticulation kinetics from temperature measurements on a thick sample, Int. J. Heat Mass Tran. 16 (1993) 4039-4047.

- Book or published thesis:

[1] Ozisik M.N., Radiative transfer and interactions with conduction and convection, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1973.

- Unpublished thesis:

[1] Frisvold F., Filtration of aluminium: theory, mechanisms and experiments, Ph.D. thesis, University of Trondheim, Norway, 1990.

- Article published in conference proceedings:

[1] Bougeard D., Vermeulen J.-P., Baudoin B., Spatial resolution enhancement of an IR system by image restoration techniques, in: Balageas D., Busse G., Carlomagno G.M. (Eds.), Proceedings of Quantitative infrared thermography QIRT 94 (Eurotherm Seminar 42), Elsevier, Paris, France, 1995, pp. 3-6.

In order to make the articles as accessible as possible, the development of 'complex calculation methods' should be placed in the appendices, at the end of the paper, so that the reader is not distracted from the fundamental ideas. If a concept is too complicated or supposed to be well known, the author must give one or several 'references' which contain the relevant information.





Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has not been published elsewhere and that it has not been simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. All accepted manuscripts, artwork, and photographs become the property of the publisher.




The use of tables, drawings, diagrams, photographs, 50 words or more prose, more than one line of a poem, or other material from another source requires written permission to republish from the copyright holder. The total number of words from any one source is cumulative throughout a manuscript. When an author plans to revise or adapt an illustration for his/her own use, it is recommended to obtain permission. Most US government publications are not copyrighted and thus considered in the public domain. However, it is also wise to obtain permission to take material from them as these publications often contain previously copyrighted material.


It is the responsibility of the author or editor of the book (or in a contributed book, the individual authors) to obtain written permission from whoever holds the copyright, usually a publisher, and also to pay any permission fees. Request for permission should be solicited as soon as the manuscript has been written, as the process is often quite slow. Once permission has been obtained, the correct credit (often the copyright holder stipulates the wording) must be included in a footnote or within the text, in a source note to a table, or in a credit line within a figure legend. In a book with extensive quotations from previously copyrighted works, it is sometimes desirable to include all credit lines on an expanded Acknowledgements page. Original permission letters must be forwarded to the publisher with the final manuscript. Production cannot proceed without them. (A sample form of "Request for Permission" is attached)


Transfer of Copyright for Multi-Authored Works


The 1978 U.S. Copyright Law vests statutory copyright for each individual article with the author(s) of the article, or with their employers in the case of a work made for hire. As the result, the publisher must ask contributors – excluding the contracted editor(s) – for copyright on each article, which must be formally assigned in writing. Articles cannot be accepted for publication without a signed Transfer of Copyright Agreement. All original signed forms must be submitted by the editor(s) to the publisher with the final manuscript.





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Transfer of Copyright Agreement

(Must be signed and returned to the Symposium Chairman with the final manuscript)



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I am preparing a paper entitled ______________________________________________________________________ which will appear in an edited work to be published in the winter of 1997 by Begell House Inc under the tentative title “Advances in Computational Heat Transfer”.    I would appreciate permission to (reproduce) (adapt) (quote) the following





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