Dear Colleague,
This is to inform you, regretfully, that the Co-chairs, Professors Sideman and Kobayashi, and the Organizing Committee of VIM-01 symposium (Visualization and Imaging in Transport Systems) have decided to postpone the meeting from October 14-19, 2001, to sometime in April 2002. The suggested date is April 21-27, 2002.
This has not been an easy decision since we already have over 50 registrants. However, most of the keynote speakers from Japan and USA wrote to us that they would not be able to attend the meeting due to the international problem you all know about. We think that, without the keynote speakers, the meeting will be less interesting and scientifically not so successful.
We realize that this is going to bring an extra burden to you, and you will have to change flights and other schedules, but we feel that it will be the best course of action under the circumstances. We sincerely apologize for this incovenience, and hope that it is for the best interest of us all. We certainly hope to see you all in Antalya in April 2002.
This is only a change of date, and everything else will remain the same, including the venue, the prices, etc. In case you have already made payments for the registration fee and the room charge in the hotel, we may keep them for the meeting in April 2002, or give you a full refund (minus whatever the bank charges for the back transfer). Please advise ICHMT Secretariat
Professor Sideman already has most of the manuscripts. He will later write you about them. Please keep in touch with us, and see the Web site for new developments.
With best regards,