Electronic Submission of Accepted Manuscripts
of Electronic Files
The New York Academy of Sciences prefers to edit all manuscripts electronically provided it is economically feasible to use author-supplied files. Therefore, we ask your cooperation in preparing electronic files for publication in the Annals. When your paper is accepted for publication, you are asked to supply an electronic version that exactly matches the final, accepted hard copy, including the abstract, key words, text, references, tables, footnotes, and figures. This guide will help you meet this requirement. Acceptable
A printout that exactly matches the electronic file must be supplied. As a rule, save your file to disk and then print from the saved file to avoid printing out an older version of the manuscript. When submitting a revised version of a manuscript before editing of your manuscript has begun, please provide the correspondingly revised electronic file along with a new printout of the revised manuscript. Authors will be required to read proofs carefully, at which point changes should be marked on the proofs. A revised electronic file is not appropriate at the proof stage. Also, because editing will be done electronically, the hard copy manuscript will not be returned along with the proofs. Your final proof will reflect copy-editing to the Annals style, but if any substantive change is made it will be indicated, with the appropriate query, on the proof so that you may okay or further amend it. It is prudent, therefore, to retain a hard copy of your work for reference. When submitting your manuscript on disk, please label the disk with the type and version of software used and the disk format (platform). Clearly indicate file names and contents in the space allowed. Please include a portion of your name in the file name (do not call it, for example, nyasfinal or similar). When formatting italic and boldface, use the software's built-in features whenever possible. Use special characters provided in the software, e.g., Greek letters and superscripts and subscripts, when required by scientific convention. Symbols and foreign characters are usually available within word-processing software by keying a corresponding font that displays the appropriate character. If a character cannot be displayed, make a note on the printout where the character should appear (or indicate what character is used as a temporary measure) and note what the character should be. Avoid manual coding for line breaks, page breaks, and figure placement. Extensive formatting on the part of the author could render the disk unusable. Formatting should be restricted to formatting of the equations; formatting of the page should be left to the Academy. In addition, if the manuscript has been edited electronically please remove all conditional text and remember to turn off the editrail feature when keying the manuscript. Do not use not hard returns for line endings within a paragraph; rather, use the software's automatic wrap-around. Use hard returns at the end of each paragraph and after heads. Use only one spaceband between words and sentences. Do not interchange characters: for example, do not use a lowercase "ell" for a 1 or an "oh" for a zero. Be consistent in use of variations of characters: for example, ??versus ?. Contents
of the Manuscript File
Tables may be shot as art. Therefore, when providing tables electronically, please place each in a separate file from the manuscript. Illustrations, if supplied electronically, should each be in a separate file. (See also the section Electronic Artwork.) Use your software's spell-checking and page-numbering capabilities. Because of the technical nature of many articles, the spell-checking dictionaries may register correct spellings as being incorrect. Although this may be a nuisance, the process will draw your attention to possible misspellings. Manuscripts
in TeX (or LaTeX)
(See also Reference Paradigms)
If your paper is part of a psychology book, the author-date style as set out by the APA is preferred. References should be cited in the text by Author and year within parens. Multiple citations are separated by a semicolon, for example, (Smith, 1995; Culver, 1998). The reference section should be in alphabetical order by last name of the first author using the style elaborated in the APA Style Guide. In math/physics related manuscripts, references should be cited in the text in numerical order in square brackets, e.g., [2], [5], etc. The reference section should be in order of appearance of the citations in the text. Electronic
Do not include figure legends in a graphics file. Figure legends should be placed after the Reference section as text in the main manuscript file. Do not embed graphics within the text files, even if your software enables page makeup including the graphics. Do not compress files. Graphics must be supplied separately in EPS or TIFF format (preferred), with one illustration per electronic file. Do not send JPG files as they cannot be used in the printing process. Quality printouts suitable for reproduction of the artwork must also accompany the printed manuscript. The printouts should be an exact match of the illustrations in the files. Figure and Table files should be named with their respective numbers and graphic type, such as Fig1.tiff, Fig2a.tiff, and Table1.eps. For more detailed instructions, please refer to "Preparing Electronic Artwork." Transmission
of Electronic Materials
You may also send the text of your manuscript via e-mail as an attachment. Illustrations may also be sent using e-mail, but as separate atttachments in TIFF or EPS files, with one illustration per attachment. Transferring files directly to the Academy's server (FTP) is fast, reliable, and convenient. For instructions on transmitting your electronic files via FTP, contact Joyce Hitchcock. |