The registration fees including accommodation are to be paid by the affiliated institutions of the participants. If you wish to attend the short course, please apply to the director of your institution first and ask him/her to contact the local organizer, EGIK, A.S. To complete the registration and to reserve a room at the venue of the short course, Club Hotel Sera in Antalya, please send the Registration Form (asp, doc) directly from the web site or by fax to EGIK, A.S.

The payment for accommodation of the accompanying non-participants or extra days at the hotel can be made by bank transfer to the account number given below (Please fax a copy of the transfer document). There is no registration fee for accompanying non-participants.

          Bank: Yapi Kredi Bankasi, Kavaklidere Subesi
          Account Holder: EGIK A.S.
          US$ Account No: 05491
          TL Account No: 16100
          (EGIK A.S. Faks: 0312 468 99 93 )

All-inclusive room charges at Club Hotel Sera for accompanying persons in US$ per day per person are:
Double per person
Triple per person
$ 70
$ 50
$ 40
There will be no charge for children aged between 0-6, and a 50 % discount for children aged between 7-12.