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The Executive Committee of ICHMT will be able to offer some financial support to assist scientists and engineers to participate in its symposia. Priority will be given to students and to scientists early in their career from the Developing Countries.

Grants will normally cover the registration fee and not more than 50% of the other costs.

The application form should be downloaded, completed and sent as an email attachment no later than four months before the start of the symposium to:

   Professor Faruk Arinç,
   Secretary General, ICHMT
   Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Applicants must arrange for a statement to be supplied by a senior officer of their Institution (university, laboratory etc.) to confirm that funds are not available from that institution, or from any other source, to support the complete costs of attendance. This statement should indicate the extent to which funds will be available from such sources. It must be sent separately from the application, by the officer of the Institution. It should be sent by fax or airmail, on institution letterhead, directly to

   Professor Faruk Arinç,
   Secretary General, ICHMT
   Mechanical Engineering Department,
   Middle East Technical University
   06531 Ankara, Turkey.
   Fax: +90-312-210 1429 or 210 2536

An application cannot be considered if this statement has not been received by the closing date.

Applicants for grants will be informed of the outcome of their applications not later than one month before the start of the symposium.

The grants will be available from the Secretary General or the Symposium Chair at the Symposium, subject to presentation of proof of all costs relating to attendance at the meeting (including copies of all relevant receipts, tickets etc). The grant will not be paid unless full documentation is presented.

Applications may be submitted now for grants to assist participation in CONV-14,
International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 1-6 June, 2014. Applications must be submitted to the Secretary General of ICHMT, by February 1st, 2014.



Nov. 15, 2013
Dec. 15, 2013
One-page abstract submission
Jan. 15, 2014
Abstract Acceptance
Jan. 31, 2014
Full papers submission
Mar. 15, 2014
Apr. 1, 2014
Notification of acceptance of full papers
Apr. 1, 2014
Abstracts for recent work posters
Apr. 18, 2014
Early registration deadline and final payment date for publication in the proceedings


To bring together researchers in a forum to exchange innovative ideas, methods and results, and visions of the future related to the general theme of convective heat and mass transfer.  More..


The symposium will take place in PineBay Holiday Resort, Kusadasi, Turkey.



University of Reims