Manuscript Submission
Papers should be submitted to conference organizers for review and acceptance. Editors of the Annals volume should submit the final, complete book manuscript to:
Sheila Kane
Administrative Editor
The Annals
New York Academy of Sciences
655 Madison Avenue, 16th floor
New York, NY 10021
T: 212/838-6727 X602
F: 212/355-2781 (fax)
Number of Copies
An original hard copy plus one photocopy should be submitted. Please include a 3-1/2" disk (PC or Mac) with the files saved in any standard word-processing program as well as in rich-text format (RTF) or ANSI. For half-tone art (photographs), send one glossy B/W print and one photocopy.
Electronic Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscript Length - Plenary papers: 6-8 pages (including abstract, figure legends, references, and tables)
Extended abstracts: 2-3 pages
All material must be double-spaced, with a
1"margin on all sides (1½" if on A4 paper).
Reference Paradigms
References are cited numerically as they occur in the text. Abbreviations for journal titles are those used in the Biosis database: Only the first author's name and initials are inverted in the reference list, and all authors' names are cap/lower case [NOT all caps].
Abstracts and Keywords
Abstracts should be not more than 250 words and are not used with poster papers. Please supply several keywords for your article.
Tables must be placed on separate pages following the text, and should be designed to fit on a standard book page (4.5" X 7" print area). Entitle each table, and make sure each column has a heading.
Preparing Electronic Artwork
Figures must be professional-quality drawings, charts or graphs, or glossy half-tone photographs. Computer-generated art must be output on a laser printer (600-dpi minimum); all elements must be proportionate and sized for reduction to fit a 4.5" X 7" page. Be sure that columns and bars can be distinguished from each other by using distinctive stipplings, cross-hatchings (but not screen tints). Figures may be submitted in EPS or TIFF format, with a separate file for each. Do not embed graphics in the text file; save graphics as separate EPS or TIFF files. Do not use color in graphs or charts; convert color to B/W. The cost of color reproduction and presswork, approximately $3500, must be borne by the author.
Copyright Transfer Agreement
Please sign and return a Copyright Transfer Agreement with your manuscript. If you are reprinting figures from another source, it is your responsibility to acquire a letter of permission from the copyright holder and forward the signed original permission letter to us.
Authors' Addresses
The full address (including e-mail), phone and fax numbers of the corresponding author must appear on the title page (simple affiliations with postal codes are sufficient for other authors). The first author will assumed to be the corresponding author unless other instructions are given.